
A Growing School – Assistant Principal

By July 28, 2023 No Comments

Much has been mentioned about the growth of the College in recent times and this is certainly encouraging but growth can only be one part of the overall puzzle.  Rapid growth without clear direction is a recipe for disaster and can lead to disrupted learning, inequity, bullying and behavioural challenges, lower expectations and economic impacts, safety concerns and a strain on resources.

I don’t say these things to alarm you but rather because it’s important for us as a College to be transparent if we want to build an authentic community that are genuinely involved in the St Brigid’s journey, not merely passengers on the ride.  I’ve mentioned it before and I reiterate the message again here, I want our community to be truly engaged and I expect you to hold us to account so that we can all work together to ensure we achieve the best possible outcomes for your children.

There is lots of data collected in schools and it plays a significant part in guiding our direction, telling us what is working and what isn’t.  I appreciate the growing need for schools to engage with the data, analyse it effectively and use it to make informed decisions.  Having said that, there are still lots of things that happen in schools that are important signposts, some of these signs can’t be captured by a calculation.

Just in the last week alone, I witnessed a few College events that tell me we are starting to mature as a school.  The Athletics Carnival, The Stage 6 Information Evening and the more social occasion of the St Brigid’s Angels gathering highlighted to me a growing engagement with the College and its desired direction.  I know it’s not possible for parents to get to every College event but the increase in numbers recently, is so encouraging.  Along with this, I am seeing a growing confidence in our staff to speak with such poise about their subjects, their roles and the children in their care.  Our students also, are buying in which can be seen in their involvement, attendance and general connection to the College.

There will be bumps in the road ahead, more growing pains are guaranteed but the strength of this community will see us navigate all of those challenges and continue to evolve and improve.  Thank you to everyone who supports the College, it’s a special community.

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