AP MessageNews

Message from the AP, Student Achievement

By February 9, 2024 No Comments

A very warm welcome to all new students and families to the St Brigid’s community.  We are also very excited to welcome our new cohort of Year 7 students and have enjoyed the first few weeks getting to know them.  They are settling into the flow of what it is to be a high school student and we have been proud of both their resilience and courage as they learn the new routines.  This cohort of Year 7s will be the class of 2030!  When you look at the year 2030, it feels so far away but on reflection I know these years go by quickly!  We are very excited to see what these students will achieve over the next 6 years.

As with all cohorts, it is important to start the year with high expectations and create consistently challenging lessons for our students so they can be the very best people they can be.  Our teachers will always work closely with the students, promoting a culture of clear class routines that aim to build capacity, provide a safe environment, and foster the student’s love of learning and care for others.

Like last year our students will continue to use Canvas and Compass to manage their learning, communicate with families and support assessment and reporting.  Canvas continues to be our Learning Management System that supports students’ learning in the class alongside the student workbooks.  We believe it is important that the students share with their families what they are learning and how they are learning in each of their subjects.  Please encourage your children to share their learning with you.  As we continue to grow as a school, we believe it is crucial to ensure the connection and partnership with the community and our parents is strong.  Parent and family engagement with us is integral to supporting student learning and achievement, and promoting positive wellbeing and confidence in our students. Please reach out to the Mentor teachers and class teachers should you have any questions.

Alex Walters

Assistant Principal, Student Achievement 

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